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One thing that I see from some musician is when they play the music I didn't heard or see how they created their music, sometime I see only technical it's same with MIDI or robot I think that's quite not wonderful musical, it's mean they didn't understand they song well. It's true that so hard to understand the song this problem has general with every artist even me too. That why we must have music interpretation, it's one of most important thing that artist must know. If you don't have it , there's impossible to make wonderful works. It's most danger if we show our work or play some song but didn't know the idea, character of works and you couldn't explain or let's others to understand that works. They will think that only sound or picture. Badly is noise or trash because they not understand it and because you didn't understand it's too. The important think of art works is you must know what are you doing. You must understand your work or your study's works first. When you can understand you could explain to other. 


This website will explain about how to get the interpretation I will explain and show some example of music interpretation but I want to warning something that interpretation is personal idea. All step didn't use all time you can see an example or try same experimental with me but you should find your interpretation's style. 

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