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Creation of Heritage of Instruments

The project "Heritage of Instrument" will presented the instrument's development by the pieces, this work based on the idea that the instrument's development was a part of music metamorphosis. All of era the instrument will get better and also the music. The works will change together with the instrument's development, composer idea and social demand.


We see that the instrument was a reason of the music metamorphosis in each era, because when you make or written the music, the instrument must be support you too. Many case in the past was not be like that, then the instrument must be better or modified something to support composer ideas and demand.


The effect of development, there's not only make the composer or musician life easier, they also coming with new approaches of technique and sound. Did you try to think this; if no changing, no the new way.


"Heritage of Instrument" got the main ideas from "Myth of Instrument" one of the project from Mythology Class at PGVIM. "Myth of Instrument" was about perspective of people in instrument. Perhaps instrument ability and human's perspective were directly the music styles.


The project "Heritage of Instrument" will present a story and comparing the old and new instruments. The difference and affect in each era. The story will be a little bit more detailing, The "Myth of Instrument" will present the overview and something that we see on daily life. But the "Heritage of Instrument" will related with the history and some idea that you might not know. But how? you'll see on the project.


You know? There's many story behind the instrument and many years before the instrument become perfect like today. We believe the instrument was amazing and so valuable. It's shouldn't be only like a home decoration. Absolutely, the metamorphosis of pieces, the instrument was a one reasons. Then the piece was a legacy from the instrument that's why we call HERITAGE OF INSTRUMENT.


Actually, the project purposing is presented the important story instrument and the music, but still support the idea of instrument's development too. Surely that this a one of important idea but sometime we might forget it. This work will let you know more in this idea. But you must not forget that, music didn't change by one way only. Others still be affect, just this work will focus more on this idea.


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